Portable SQL

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The ANSI SQL standard exists for years but it's still difficult to write SQL statements which are portable across most database engine implementations. This guide tries to give you tips about what is possible keeping the most common database implementations in mind and where the limits of portable SQL for this engines are.

Feel free to add your own tips if you like ...

  1. Common tips
    1. Database differences
    2. Aliases
    3. Quoting
  2. SQL statements
    1. Transactions
    2. Data manipulation
    3. Data retrieval
      1. Simple SELECT
      2. Join syntax
    4. Handling IDs
      1. Generating IDs
    5. Accessing metadata
      1. Tables
      2. Table columns
      3. Triggers
  3. SQL tips
    1. Identifier Naming
    2. Handling generated IDs
    3. Replacing records